WordPress jh_random_cats()
Got bored and scratched another itch I've had in wordpress for a while. I always wanted a way to list my categories on the sidebar on my terms. The best I had found was the well written and executed Category Visibility-RH but I wanted to choose from all my categories and still limit the number listed.
I added a function to my wp-hacks.php and then dropped it into my sidebar. Does the job, and could easily be edited. I swear someday I'll learn how to make plug-ins, really.
function jh_random_cats($howMany) {
global $wpdb ;
$query = "
SELECT cat_ID, cat_name, category_count
FROM $wpdb->categories
WHERE category_count != '0'
$categories = $wpdb->get_results($query);
shuffle($categories); // Mix 'em up
for($howMany; $howMany > 0; $howMany--) {
$poppedCat = array_pop($categories);
print '
As a super-cool extra I got to use a PHP function I had never gotten to use before, let alone knew existed: bool shuffle ( array &array ). It, you guessed it, shuffles up an array.