Data throughput with ExternalInterface
I've started tinkering with Flash and AS3, and I've used the ExternalInterface a lot. For one project the amount of data to be pushed into JavaScript from AS3 was highly variable, could be huge.
I couldn't find a good reference for how much it can handle, so I threw this together. In the end I made it to ~10Mb through at a time in both Firefox and Chrome. No IE testing :-)
The basic idea was to keep requesting large chunks until it broke, then go back and slowly work my way up to the max.
The JavaScript:
function $(e) { return document.getElementById(e); }
var expect = 0;
var interval = 100000;
function callback (bytestring) {
$('logarea').innerHTML = 'Expect: '+expect+'
$('logarea').innerHTML = 'Got: '+bytestring.length+'
if(expect == bytestring.length) {
expect += interval;
else {
if(interval == 1) {
$('logarea').innerHTML += 'Final Value:'+bytestring.length+'
else {
expect -= interval;
interval = interval / 10;
expect += interval;
if(bytestring.length >= 10000000) { // ~10 Mb
$('logarea').innerHTML += 'Reached ~10 Mb, I give up.
setTimeout("$('eiEmbed').expect(expect)", 50);
The ActionScript:
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
trace('EI Not Available. What have you done?!');
var returnval:String = '';
var lastexpect:int = 0;
function expect (bytes:int):void {
var toadd:int = bytes;
if(bytes < lastexpect)
returnval = '';
toadd = bytes - lastexpect;
for(var i = 0; i < toadd; ++i) {
returnval += "a";
lastexpect = bytes;'callback', returnval);
ExternalInterface.addCallback('expect', expect);